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Lori Pugh

Frequently Asked


What is the difference between a life coach and a therapist?

A life coach typically helps someone manage their thoughts and feelings in pursuit of better results in their lives, such as relationships with family members, friends, or colleagues; goal achievement; problem-solving; weight loss; career ambitions; decision making; etc. Life coaches usually focus on their client’s current situation and help them move forward toward a better future.

A therapist can assess, diagnose, and treat mental health illnesses. They often focus on an individual’s past to help understand what is creating their current situation and support them with applicable therapeutic methods.

Oftentimes a person can benefit from both therapeutic counseling and life coaching. If you are currently working with a therapist you might ask them if life coaching would also be beneficial to you.

If an individual is working with a life coach and the coach identifies characteristics or attributes often found in mental health challenges, they will most likely recommend that they work with a licensed therapist.

What can I expect in my sessions with you?

Individual sessions usually last about 45 minutes and are held virtually over Zoom. We will discuss the areas of your life in which you think are problematic and not allowing you to progress. We will examine your thoughts, feelings, and actions that occur in your specific situations and through a series of conversations and activities help you to change the way you think about them, which will eventually lead to better results. Change takes time and doesn’t happen overnight. It is immensely helpful to have a coach that is not only your advocate as you walk this path, but is also willing to tell you the truth and help correct any deviations on your journey.

Do I need to be a woman in order for you to work with me?

No! While I mostly work with women, I am more than happy to work with men as well. The techniques I utilize work with anyone.

I see that you mostly work with professional women. What do you mean by “professional”?

Excellent question! Professional can mean whatever you feel your “profession(s)” is/are. Some examples might be: corporate executive, software engineer, parent, healthcare professional, social media influencer, professional athlete, mid-level manager, project manager, finance professional, human resources professional, salesperson, and so forth. You name it!

What if I haven’t decided on a profession?

That’s okay! Maybe I can help you with that!

What if I can’t make one of my scheduled sessions?

No problem! Just let me know as far in advance as possible and we will reschedule.